Lukas Liebich
1 min readMar 19, 2021


Initially, I thought the cover photo was your breakfast today... but from what you're writing, it's something further in the past?

It must have been a real challenge in the canteen. For me, the challenge used to be business trips, especially with "all you can eat" hotel breakfasts.

No problem if the business trip was two days. But as the business trips got longer, eating all I could eat (bacon, waffles, strawberry jam, I'm not picky when it's all there) for two weeks, became a challenge.

However, what happened to me was that if the trip was even longer (say four weeks), after the first two I got so sick - and realized, that there's no rush to eat all the food available at breakfast, because it will be there tomorrow too.

As a paradox, being exposed to the temptation constantly became a good thing. I knew I did not have to eat it all today, because I could do so tomorrow. And so on.

One more thing that I found extremely helpful was the 7-day cycle of Tim Ferriss' Slow Carb diet. (Almost) no carbs (and absolutely no sugar) for 6 days, and "anything you want" on the 7th.

For me, ideas such as "I will never have a pancake" or "I will never have a burger with fries" are devastating. But switching it to: "Today is not the day for pancakes, but on Saturday, I'll have all the pancakes I want," calms me down and allows me to forget about it.

Good luck with your diet!



Lukas Liebich

Follow me for insights on Collaboration, Creativity, and Communication | Business Facilitator at MSD | Region Advisor for Europe at Toastmasters International